The blog of a young British woman taking on a new life in Japan as an assistant language teacher. No, I've never been to Japan before this, I don't speak the language, nor have I ever stood up in front of a class and taught before. This should be interesting...

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

What a difference a day makes...

I don't know- maybe it's the 4 or 5 cans of Japanese lager that are addling my brain as I type, or the fact that I just spent an evening taking part in one of Japan's favourite past-times, kareoke- or that I'm getting to meet more and more cool people; but today seems a world away from how I felt yesterday.

Even training today- which actually dealt with the business of teaching in Japanese schools left me feeling stimulated and motivated; aware that I have set myself quite a challenge in coming to teach in Japan, but stimulated and motivated nonetheless. I swing from extreme to extreme.

I feel like a puppy, like I've regressed somehow. I'm dependent on others being around to translate, to explain, to read things for me, to answer questions. As much as I feel a little frustrated at feeling so ignorant- at the same time I know I'm doing the best thing possible to beat that ignorance just by being here. So it's all good, baby....

Downtown Hiroshima at dusk

Finding something good to eat.

G from India, who is a honey- I've adopted her as my unofficial Japanese teacher, and Thomas from Maryland, US- a cheeky chappie who does a cockney English accent that makes me laugh.

With a nod to my mildly intoxicated state- today's Japanese phrase of the day is:
Bi-ru (bee-ru) o one-gai-shi-mas= I'll have a beer.